OK.  I went to the amdump log file and found that the first file should have 352 1k blocks written to the tape.

Then I issued

mt rewind
mt -f /dev/tape_norewind fsf 1
dd if=/dev/tape_norewind of=./first_file bs=1k count=352

Then the following was received at the console:

dd: reading `/dev/tape_norewind': Input/output error
64+0 records in
64+0 records out

Then if I issue a "more ./first_file", I get instructions on how to untar this block of data, with the following:

dd if=./first_file bs=32k skip=1 | /bin/tar -tf-

The output to the console looks like:

1+0 records in
1+0 records out
/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

which is about what I get from the output of amrestore.  I think the key to the problem is the initial I/O error that I get from the dd statement from the tape as input device.  It is similar to what I get from amrestore.  It is as if the data is on the tape, but a scsi problem is not letting me read it from the tape.

One additional bit of info:  The server doing all the I/O is an Alpha using a symbios scsi card/driver. It has never had this problem before and restored many a file in the past...

On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 17:44, Freels, James D. wrote:

Thanks for responding.  I also responded back to Gene Heskett with his suggestion and a little more information.

I would like to try this idea.  How can I determine NNNN from the amanda log files ?  Once I output the data from the tape to the drive, how do I conver it back to a .tar file ?  The amdump/amrestore is using gnutar.


On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 05:00, Gregor Ibic wrote:

try to read the tape (or chunk - fsf) with dd
dd if=/dev/nst0 of=/XXXX bs=1024 count=NNNN
where NNN is greater than your backup job/disk entry
and see what happens

i restored some valueable tape (MTF formated) reading this way and putting the pieces together.
James D. Freels, Ph.D.
mplayer -cache 100 http://wdvx.microcerv.net/wdvx
James D. Freels, Ph.D.
mplayer -cache 100 http://wdvx.microcerv.net/wdvx

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