Joshua Baker-LePain said:


> Yup, that's definitely the problem.  Is amanda picking the right
> dump for
> your filesystem?  You can tell by the output of ./configure (it
> might also
> be in the amandad*debug files -- I'm not sure).
> tar is nice for being so cross platform.  If you can get that to go,
> it
> might be your better option.

OK, I got gnu tar 1.13 compiled and working. However, I still get
the "disk offline" error. Now in /tmp/amanda/sendsize... I see this
which doesn't look good either:

sendsize: debug 1 pid 15490 ruid 19 euid 19: start at Thu Jul 24
00:30:05 2003
sendsize: version 2.4.4
sendsize[15490]: time 0.009: waiting for any estimate child
sendsize[15492]: time 0.009: calculating for amname '/', dirname
'/', spindle -1sendsize[15492]: time 0.015: getting size via gnutar
for / level 0
sendsize[15492]: time 0.016: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in
sendsize[15492]: argument list: /usr/local/bin/tar --create --file
/dev/null --directory / --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/tmp/amanda/sendsize._.20030724003005.exclude .
sendsize[15492]: time 0.028: error [cannot find user backup in
passwd file]
sendsize[15492]: time 0.059:
sendsize[15492]: time 0.060: .....
sendsize[15492]: estimate time for / level 0: 0.044
sendsize[15492]: no size line match in /usr/local/bin/tar output for
sendsize[15492]: .....
sendsize[15492]: estimate size for / level 0: -1 KB
sendsize[15492]: time 0.061: waiting for /usr/local/bin/tar "/" child
sendsize[15492]: time 0.061: after /usr/local/bin/tar "/" wait
sendsize[15492]: time 0.061: done with amname '/', dirname '/',
spindle -1
sendsize[15490]: time 0.061: child 15492 terminated normally

Again I see "cannot find user backup in passwd file". In looking at
/etc, I noticed the passwd file is actually a symlink to a passwd
file in another directory (For anyone who has SCO, why in GOD'S NAME
do they do this symlink BS for everything? It is horrible!). Is this
the only problem that's stopping me here, or is there anything else
that needs fixing?

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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