Selon Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > I've looked into the client /tmp/amanda/*.log and there seem to be
> nothing anormal in the log files
> > but there is a core file (is it a core dump ? Is there an error ?)
> Don't know if it works on AIX, but on Solaris and HP-UX the "file"
> command
> tells you what command dumped the core file.  And of course the

Sorry but core doesn't tells me anything useful.
But as this core file is created inside the /tmp/amanda directory, and the
timestamp is during the amdump, I think that yes, it comes from an amanda crash.

Ok, so let's find what is troubling :
- on the client, what executable are runned and in what order ?
I guess amandad is a program that runs many things (answer to estimates,
dumping, checks... ?)
- if the estimates fail to be sent, the amandad program won't be called in a
amdump session to dump anything. The only calls made will be check, and
estimates, I guess ?

- In what log files could I find more information ?
- Can I make the core file speak ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

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