On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 08:46:28AM -0500, Brendon Colby wrote:
> Last weekend, the data center operators did not put in Saturday and
> Sunday's tapes. Amanda still did the backup to the local disk of
> course. On Monday, the next tape was put in, and the backups continued
> on without complaint. I still have these two backups on disk though,
> and I'm not sure what to do with them. Do I flush them to the next
> tape and have them skip the rotation ahead one tape (a PITA)? What
> other options do I have in a situation like this?

If you have the space, you could also run amdump early when there is
no or wrong tape in and then when they put in the next tape, flush both
the old backups and the ones that were supposed to go on that tape.

Wouldn't that land the tapes in sync again? (Well, apart from one tape
not getting used.)

Dennis Ritchie: "So fsck was originally called something else"
Question: "What was it called?"
Dennis Ritchie: Well, the second letter was different.
                -- Q&A at Usenix

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