Anyone on this list interested in being paid to re-do the Windows
client? Ideally, I'd want something with an easy-to-use installer.
Should work more consistently than the current Windows client, and
file restores should be simple. I don't care if it's a ground-up
reimplementation, or what language it's in.

Any takers? Approximate asking price to do the job? Anyone else want
to chip in money to make this happen?

JC Simonetti said:
> You have 3 ways to backup Windows by Amanda:
> 1. Win32 client: good luck, since its development has been stopped 2
> years ago
> 2. Windows shares and Samba client on your Amanda box: not so good
> because of the rights of the files that are bot backed up
> 3. Amanda standard client installed under Cygwin on your Windows
> box: OK, but you have to install Cygwin first; and I'm not sure I
> like this solution, just because I have to install a "Linux
> emulator" on a Windows box (can you imagine yourself installing a
> Wine on your Linux just to make some administrative operations? I
> don't).

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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