Nicolas Ecarnot a écrit :

I recently had this kind of problem with my amanda server. It has to backup around 120 samba clients :

planner: time 0.371: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: Message too long
send req failed: Message too long

I'm sorry to insist but this problem is really blocking me and I don't really know what to do to solve it.

I read in the faq that this may be due to an UDP packet size problem.
The suggested workaround is to shorten the names used in the directories to save.
Unfortunately, I'm backing up many samba clients, and their names can't be all changed, and I have no way to create symbolic links or that knid of things.

In my disklist, I have 120 lines like this : //winHost001/share nocomp-user-gnutar

* I don't know HOW I could shorten this ?

In the faq, it's also written that the ability to use 64k udp packet size is OS-dependent. I'm running FreeBSD 5.1.

* Perhaps there's a way to check its inetd abilities ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

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