Hi Deb,

Which release of amanda are you using?

amanda-2.4.4p1 will report a failed dump for this kind error and
reschedule a level 0 for the next day.

That was fixed on 2003-04-26.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 01:54:49PM -0500, Deb Baddorf wrote:
> From a client  machine,  the admin sent me this:
> Sep 24 02:45:32 daesrv /kernel: pid 7638 (gzip), uid 2: exited on signal 11 
> (core dumped)
> The above message shows gzip crashed on daesrv last night.  It crashed
> because there is a hardware problem on that machine, but since it was
> probably part of an amanda backup that did not work as expected, I wanted
> to be sure amanda had reported something about it to you.   -client admin
> Amanda herself had reported a strange error in her mail report:
> daesrv.fna /usr lev 0 STRANGE
> .....
> | DUMP: 33.76% done, finished in 1:20
> ? sendbackup: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
> | DUMP: Broken pipe
> | DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
> ? index returned 1
> ??error [/sbin/dump returned 3, compress got signal 11]? dumper: strange 
> [missing size line from sendbackup]
> ? dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]
> \--------
> But it appears that she went ahead and stored the partial data on tape
> anyway,   and considered this a good level 0 backup.   (admin config due
> shows the next level 0 is 7 days away)
> daesrv.fnal.gov /usr 0 0 3605024 -- 47:40 1260.7 12:35 4773.9
> Why doesn't amanda recognize this as a failure?
> Am I missing something that I should have noticed?
> Or am I reading it wrong (the fact that "due" implies a level 0 was done)?
> Deb Baddorf
> -------------------
> Deb Baddorf         [EMAIL PROTECTED]              840-2289
> "Nobody told me that living happily ever after would be such hard work ..."
> S. White                                            <IXOYE><

Jean-Louis Martineau             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLE    Tel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7        Fax: (514) 343-5834

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