On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 at 10:35am, Bradley Glonka wrote

> > On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 at 10:22am, Bradley Glonka wrote

> > What happens if you leave that line out and let it try to 
> > print to the 
> > default printer?
> Yup I tried that, same thing!!!

And what's the output of 'lpq'?  'lpq -Pep4510'?

> > Wow!  Where can I get tapes that hold 1.2TB?
> You ask the tape drive fairy :)
> (boy do I feel silly)
> Hmmmm  I guess I should have looked closer at the 
> Output of tapetype.


> > Never run tapetype with hardware compression on.
> I read that I should turn it off, but Dell has no answer
> For me on how to do so.  The guys I talked to thought I
> Was crazy and they had never heard of such a request.
> This tape drive is supposed to have some "intelliget"
> Sensors to determine if it should turn compression on or
> Off.  

Yeah, I've heard that about LTO.  But it's obviously doing *something* to 
confuse tapetype.  Try 'mt -f $TAPE compression 0'.  You can check the 
status of compression using the program 'tapeinfo', part of mtx.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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