> to follow up to myself here i have managed to get the single drive working
> fine - The issue now seems to be with the changer.
> Using mtx i can load and unload tapes but when i run amcheck i get the
> following error
> amcheck-server: could not get changer info: could not determine current
> slot, are you sure your drive slot is 1
> I have changed all references to nst0 to point to nst1 in my config for
> setup but still this error - i have searched the archives for this one but
> can't seem to find a solution.

i'm still having an issue and here is an output from the latest debug from

$ more /tmp/amanda/chg-zd-mtx.20031013170311.debug
chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 2919 ruid 11 euid 11: start at Mon Oct 13 17:03:11
17:03:11 Arg info:
         $# = 1
         $0 = "../../libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
         $1 = "-info"
17:03:11 Running: /opt/mtx/sbin/mtx status
17:03:11 Exit code: 0
  Storage Changer /dev/sg2:1 Drives, 6 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full
      Storage Element 2:Full
      Storage Element 3:Full
      Storage Element 4:Full
      Storage Element 5:Full
      Storage Element 6:Full
17:03:11 Config info:
         firstslot = "1"
         lastslot = "5"
         cleanslot = "-1"
         cleancycle = "120"
         offline_before_unload = "1"
         unloadpause = "0"
         autoclean = "0"
         autocleancount = "99"
         havereader = "0"
         driveslot = "1"
         poll_drive_ready = "3"
         max_drive_wait = "120"
17:03:11 Exit (2) -> <none> could not determine current slot, are you sure
your drive slot is 1
chg-zd-mtx: pid 3060 finish time Mon Oct 13 17:03:11 2003

really not having much luck with this idea of having 2 drives on one


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