On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 04:33:22PM -0500, Johnson, S enlightened us:
> I just realized that I replied to an individual user instead of the group
> and user - my bad.  I'm going to repost for future reference on others
> possibly running into the same problem: --------------------------
> Ok, I must be missunderstanding something here... Sorry for my lack of
> knowledge (this is my first time setting up Amanda).
> I was going off the aassumption that the backup package would automatically
> label a tape inserted into the drive on backup (like backupexec /
> arcserve).
> I just played around with it a bit after reading the man page on it.  I was
> able to label a tape with DailySet111.  After running the amlabel, I was
> able to run amcheck and I didn't receive an e-mail (which I assume is the
> way it's supposed to be).
> Where can I find more information on the amlabel piece (other than man)?
> Is there a way to automate this?  The person that will be changing the
> tapes is not very technical at all, actually quite technophobic...

There's really not much more to know. You label the tapes once, and amanda
asks for whichever one is appropriate. You configure how many tapes you have
with the tapecycle option in your amanda.conf, and amanda cycles through the
labeled tapes until you've used that many, then asks for old ones to
overwrite. So, the first thing you should do is amlabel all of your tapes
(DailySet111, DailySet112, etc.). amcheck will tell you what tape amanda
expects next, or you can run the command "amadmin DailySet tape" and that
will tell you as well. Use that output to e-mail the person to be changing
the tapes, and it doesn't matter how technophobic they are. When it says put
DailySet123 in, put it in.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263
  • RE: Johnson, S
    • RE: Matt Hyclak
    • RE: Frank Smith

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