--On Wednesday, October 15, 2003 23:53:13 -0400 Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm working with someone who has a situation reversed from
> what I am accustomed, a single Solaris system that needs
> to be backed up to a PC network.

By 'PC', are you implying MS Windows, or are there PC Linux
hosts on the network?

> The Solaris system has no tape unit.  The PC side has a
> good amount of network shared storage and is backed up
> to tape regularly.  So it seems to me that I need to
> get each Solaris backup to a single disk file (maybe
> with the 'file:driver') which will then be transfered
> to the shared network storage (how, samba? some other
> tool?)

If it's strictly MS Windows and one Solaris box, with the
current tape backups being done with MS Windows software,
then Amanda is probably overkill. A few simple scripts
would do almost as well.

> Has anyone done something along these lines and can
> offer suggestions or alternative ideas?

Their network shared storage may support NFS as well as CIFS,
so you might be able to just mount it directly on the Solaris
box and backup to it.
   I think Samba may have a 2GB file size limit, so using that
could be a problem, although you could pipe a tar or dump through
'split' onto a Samba-mounted share.
   If the Solaris box has free space, you could backup to
local disk and then ftp/sftp to the Windows box, or split
onto a Samba share.
   There are also Windows NFS servers that you could use to
export some space to mount on the Solaris box.
   If their current backup software supports a Solaris client
that would be the easiest way.


> -- 
> Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  JG Computing
>  4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
>  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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