On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 08:54:52PM -0400, Gene Heskett enlightened us:
> >> Q: Does this automaticly set the ownerships and perms in the built
> >> rpm?  Amanda should be built by a non-priviledged user, then
> >> installed by root.  Otherwise the perms get fubared.  I ask
> >> because I've never done it this way to test.
> >
> >Yes, it goes through after the files are built and sets the
> > appropriate ownership and permissions correctly. It assumes the
> > user will be called amanda, which is the "right way" to do it on a
> > RH system.
> Great Matt.  And that pretty much takes care of my first objection.  
> Even better if the installer actually setup that user, and made that 
> user a member of the needed group too.

>From the .spec:

useradd -M -n -g disk -o -r -d /var/lib/amanda -s /bin/bash \
        -c "Amanda user" -u 33 amanda >/dev/null 2>&1 || :


> The second would be taken care of if the building of the src to an rpm 
> it was trained to barf voluminously and exit if the config (the spec 
> file) still says 'localhost' anyplace in it.  A bit arbitrary maybe, 
> but for gnubies, a "barked knuckle" the first time sure beats no 
> recovery when the gnubie needs it 6 months on down the log.

Hmmm, an interesting idea. I'll take that up with Jay tomorrow if I get a

> >Which is why I've only posted the src.rpm and encouraged people to
> > rebuild it using the correct settings for their site. The problem
> > is in distributing it on a large scale (i.e. part of a distro), but
> > there really is no good solution to that. If there is interest in
> > the src.rpm, I'll be sure to post it as it gets updated (assuming
> > Jay doesn't beat me to it).
> >
> >Matt
> I think Jay needs the help.  Not because he is doing a bad job, he 
> isn't, but when one is that busy, stuff starts falling thru the 
> cracks...   Maybe you could take over the amanda rpm maintainance for 
> those distros that use rpms, says he, donning the kevlar underwear. 
> :-)

I'm more than happy to give him a hand, but I don't think RedHat would like
it too much if I became the official maintainer :-) Besides, he has access
to all the test equipment, not me. I'll be sure to keep feeding him
fixes/updates/patches, etc. If there are any requests for features, speak up
on the list (that goes for everyone). I'm not sure I want to get into
rpm-ing snapshots at this point, but if there's enough yelling for that, I
can look into doing that.

(I did talk with Jay briefly today, and he has been busy with other things,
but has some time now to return to the state of the amanda packages).


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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