> > Check to see if some problem has truncated your tapelist file.  If a
> > problem (e.g., no space left on a device) prevents the tapelist from
> > being created or some other problem truncated the file, then you
> > could expect to see a problem like this.  Check to see if there have
> > been any drive faults or other system events at the time when Amanda
> > started giving you strange results.
> I have created a patch, which seems not yet included in the current
> sources, for similar errors:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amanda-hackers/message/3769
> (but it seems that this is not the problem, as Lucio seems to indicate
> that there ARE enough entries in the tapelist file.  Maybe a permission
> problem?  Or looking at a file with the same name but not the one
> as configured in amanda.conf?)

The file is not truncated nor there are permission problems. There are five 
entries in the tapelist file and tapecycle is set to five tapes. Every entry 
matches the labelstr and every entry is marker as "reuse". The only strange 
thing is that the timestamp for each entry dates back to several days ago 
while the backup is due every night and the backup reports tell everything is 
ok every morning.

There is a write permission problem on amanda.conf (root.root rw-r--r--), but 
I guess this has nothing to do with the tapelist, right?

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