Hello Sir,

I greet you with the name of our lord,
I am Dr.Omereme John, an Account Officer to Late MARK BRANCH an immigrant,
who was an international business man and building contractor in Nigeria.

Here in after shall be referred to as our customer in Union Trust Bank plc.Please
try if you can recall the sad event which took place On the 21st of April
1998, our customer lost his live in a plane crash [Ethiopia airline] 961.

The deceased has an account valued at $15.2 million dollars.[Fifteen Million
Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars].
However,he does not have a next of kin to inherit this fund.Since he did
not fill any name as next of kin in his deposite form.This is only known
to me.

I have contacted you to assist me in repatriating the money and property
left behind by our client In my bank before they get confiscated or declared
unserviceable by the bank.I received an information before contactting you
that our corresponding bank in Canada is about to cease the account and
declares it unclaimed.

I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased, so
that the proceeds of this account valued at $15.2 million dollars can be
paid to you and then you and I can share the money. 50% to me and 40% for
you while 10% will be for expences that might arise. I have all necessary
informations that can be used to back up any claim we may make including
the original Will Certificate stating you as the next-of-kin to late Mark

Do not forget that i was his account officer and all the deposition documents
are with me.I am seeking your help because the deceased has no offpring
to inherit this fund. All I require is your honest co-operation to enable
us see this deal through.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that
will protect you from any breach of the law.Please get in touch with me
by my email and send me your telephone and fax numbers to enable us discuss
further about this transaction.

Thank you for your understanding and be blessed.
My rest regards,

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