Hello - I am making great progress with Amanda; now backing up three
systems. (For some reason, samba backups did not work for me; but
installing the amanda client on our windows server did the trick; I can
backup over that). We have a dedicated machine to do the backups, and it
backs up two unix servers (one Linux one SunOS 5.8), and a windows

One puzzling thing is that our SunOS system seems to
take a very long time making backups. I started a full backup about 12
hours ago, and it's still running. If I wait long enough, it finishes (I
did it once before), but I would like it to finish in a regular timeframe.
There is no bottleneck as far as I can tell; the machines are mostly
idle; the network connection is 100MB like the other machines. I am not
very good at reading the 'amstatus' output so I thought I would ask for
help from this very helpful group..

[EMAIL PROTECTED] amanda]$ amstatus home | more
Using /usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/amdump from Mon Nov  3 23:25:26 EET 2003

home:/etc            0     6296k finished (23:46:28)
home:/usr/local      0   552408k finished (3:32:29)
home:/usr/users      0  1516665k dumping to tape (3:32:29)
home:/var/spool/mail 0  5028910k wait for dumping

SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
                           size       size
partition       :   4
estimated       :   4              7227450k
flush           :   0         0k
failed          :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   1              5028910k           ( 69.58%)
dumping to tape :   1              1516665k           ( 20.98%)
dumping         :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped          :   3   2075369k   2198540k ( 94.40%) ( 28.72%)
wait for writing:   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait to flush   :   0         0k         0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   2    558704k    681875k ( 81.94%) (  7.73%)
3 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper writing, tapeq: 0
network free kps:      6570
holding space   :         0k (  0.00%)
 dumper0 busy   :  4:03:57  (100.00%)
   taper busy   :  4:03:57  (100.00%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
 1 dumper busy  :  4:03:57  (100.00%)            not-idle:  4:03:57 (100.00%)

I just checked the 'home' system; the one that's being backed up, and it
shows that 'tar' is running, likewise for two 'sendbackup' processes. 
The last entry in /tmp/amanda belongs to amandad, and it has not been
updated for about 4 hours. it reads:
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffe0f;

amandad: time 0.133: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-A8E80608 SEQ 1067894728

amandad: time 0.133: pid 8343 finish time Tue Nov  4 03:29:37 2003

I guess this means that it finished.  

PS: I dont have a tape drive define; I backup to disk using the very
useful chg-disk "changer". Therefore I did not define any holding disks.

I'd appreciate any feedback.. 
Thanks, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu:  http://www.kalfaoglu.com
EgeNet Internet Services: http://www.egenet.com.tr

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