On Monday 10 November 2003 12:16, Stephen Walton wrote:
>On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 21:37, Jon LaBadie wrote:
>> I don't think anyone said [tape and changer] had to be the same.
>> Changer is (should be) /dev/sgX.
>> Tape is (should be) /dev/nstX
>> When it asks for changer try sg, when it asks for tape try nst.
>I think I did this.  There is no 'setchanger' command in amrecover. 
> The manual page for amanda says that, if the argument to the
> settape command in amrecover is the same as the value in
> amrecover_changer in amanda.conf file, then amrecover will use the
> changer.  I have now tried setting amrecover_changer to
> "/dev/nst0", "/dev/sg3", and "0" in amanda.conf, the last being the
> same as what changerdev is set to.  None of these work.
>I'm guessing from the responses I'm getting that no one else on the
> list is even trying to use a changer directly from amrecover?  I
> know a lot of you have changers;  is everyone else simply manually
> using amtape to load the appropriate tape?  I suppose if you have
> multiple changer cartridges this is a low priority item, since you
> probably have to swap cartridges to do a restore anyway.  But what
> about those of you with robots?

Generally speaking Stephen, and for myself only, when the time comes 
to do a recovery, its usually a bare metal situation in that we're 
lucky to have tar, dd and gzip available.  These might be used to 
extract enough of amanda to make the rest of the recovery work, but 
its not something I've tried.  The one time I needed a just one file, 
and that was over a year ago, ISTR amrecover ran just fine, but the 
system was at that point 100% functional, I was nowhere near a bare 
metal situation.  And I didn't use the changer, I just loaded up the 
tape I knew I needed, fired off dd to get the tapes files and 
extracted the file I needed from there with tar & gzip.

I suspect that many of us more or less fall back to what we're 
familiar with and do that, even if amanda is supposed to be able to 
do that for us.  Thats our fault of course, but in a recovery 
situation, the tendency is not to do any experimenting and possibly 
make it worse.  I don't know that it will, but...

Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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