Is there no one who has an idea of what's wrong here?  I followed the
examples but used the chg-multi changer rather than the chg-mtx.  Any help?
Can I use chg-multi with a /dev/null tape device?  I don't really have any
hardware, its all the file: driver writing to disk.

Dana Bourgeois

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dana Bourgeois
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 12:58 AM
> Subject: Have 2.4.4p1 RAIT over file: working sort of...
> The good news is that its really easy to set up the RAIT with 
> three disks. The bad news is that taper complains about not 
> finding an Amanda tape which is like totally bogus because I 
> read the label(s) myself.  Can someone who knows the code 
> help me figure this out?  See the last section below for errors.
> I will include the relevant config files and the error 
> message.  I'd really like to get this working.  
> Dana Bourgeois
> =========   Amanda.conf
> #
> # amanda.conf - sample Amanda configuration file.  This 
> started off life as
> #               the actual config file in use at CS.UMD.EDU.
> org "daily"             # your organization name for reports
> dumpuser "amanda"       # the user to run dumps under
> inparallel 4            # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
> netusage  100000        # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, 
> in KB per sec
> dumpcycle 1 weeks       # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
> runspercycle 5 days    # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
> tapecycle 7 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation
> bumpsize 20 Mb          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump 
> level 1 -> 2
> bumpdays 1              # minimum days at each level
> bumpmult 4              # threshold = bumpsize * bumpmult^(level-1)
> etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem 
> for estimates.
> runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a 
> single run of
> amdump
> tpchanger "chg-rait"    # This one stripes across multiple changers
> changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/config/rait-changer.conf"
> tapetype file           # what kind of tape it is (see 
> tapetypes below)
> labelstr "^daily[0-9][0-9]*$"   # label constraint regex: all 
> tapes must
> match
> infofile "/var/lib/amanda/daily1/curinfo"       # database filename
> logdir   "/var/lib/amanda/daily1"               # log directory
> indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/daily1/index"         # index directory
> # Dumpers write to the holding disk, taper reads from the 
> holding disk. holdingdisk hd1 {
>     comment "main holding disk"
>     directory "/backup1/holding"        # where the holding disk is
>     use -10 Gb         # how much space can we use on it
>                         # a negative value means use all 
> space except <value>
>     }
> holdingdisk hd2 {
>     comment "main holding disk"
>     directory "/backup2/holding"        # where the holding disk is
>     use -10 Gb         # how much space can we use on it
>                         # a negative value means use all 
> space except <value>
>     }
> # tapetype
> define tapetype file {
>     comment "File on large disk"
>     length 15 gb
>     filemark 0 kbytes
>     speed 10000 kbytes
> }
> define dumptype global {
>     comment "Global definitions"
>     index yes
>     compress client fast        # can be 'none'
>     program "GNUTAR"
>     maxdumps 1
> }
> define dumptype tar-compress {
>     global
>     comment "Dump of my systems"
> }
> # network interfaces
> define interface local {
>     comment "a local disk"
>     use 10000 kbps
> }
> define interface eth0 {
>     comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
>     use 1000 kbps
> }
> =========     rait-changer.conf
> # chg-rait config file
> #
> # This assumes we have rait-striped drives in several
> # other amanda changer configs.
>    nchangers=3
> # Changer #1
>    tpchanger_1="chg-multi"
>    changerfile_1="/etc/amanda/daily1/changer1.conf"
> # Changer #2
>    tpchanger_2="chg-multi"
>    changerfile_2="/etc/amanda/daily1/changer2.conf"
> # Changer #3
>    tpchanger_3="chg-multi"
>    changerfile_3="/etc/amanda/daily1/changer3.conf"
> =========     changer1.conf
> # config file for the chg-multi tape changer program.
> # Used when tpchanger "chg-multi" is specified in amanda.conf.
> multieject 0
> gravity 0
> needeject 0
> ejectdelay 0
> statefile /etc/amanda/daily1/changer-status1
> firstslot 1
> lastslot 15
> slot  1 file:/backup1/daily01
> slot  2 file:/backup1/daily02
> slot  3 file:/backup1/daily03
> slot  4 file:/backup1/daily04
> slot  5 file:/backup1/daily05
> slot  6 file:/backup1/daily06
> slot  7 file:/backup1/daily07
> slot  8 file:/backup1/daily08
> slot  9 file:/backup1/daily09
> slot 10 file:/backup1/daily10
> slot 11 file:/backup1/daily11
> slot 12 file:/backup1/daily12
> slot 13 file:/backup1/daily13
> slot 14 file:/backup1/daily14
> slot 15 file:/backup1/daily15
> ===========  changer2 and 3 conf files
> The same as changer1.conf except the status file is 
> changer-status2 and changer-status3 respectively AND the 
> tapes for changer 2 are on /backup2 while the tapes for 
> changer 3 are on /backup3.
> ===========     OK, Errors
> 1. amlabel labels the tapes but then doesn't rewind them.  I 
> wrote a little script to do that for me since all that is 
> required is to muck with the info file.  Once I labelled and 
> rewound the tapes, amtape and amlabel acted normally.  For 
> example, during the amdump taper reported: 
> taper: slot 4: date X        label daily04 (exact label match)
> 2. when I ran amdump, the taper complained and wouldn't 
> write.  Here's the error line:
> driver: result time 484.574 from taper: TAPE-ERROR [not an 
> amanda tape]
> 3. Ahh...OK.  Found something!!  I thought it was just the 
> initial labelling of a new tape that was not rewinding but 
> amcheck and amlable both don't rewind, even when they say 
> they will.  If I run amlabel after my rewinding program, it 
> acts normally but if I run it a second time the info file 
> reports position 2 and amlabel reports it can't find the 
> label and errors. This might be the problem with amdump but 
> I'm too burned out to work on this anymore.

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