On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 at 12:03pm, Brian Cuttler wrote

> Up until a couple weeks ago we had no problems at all running
> amdump on this system. Recently however its reporting that
> /maildb2 is too large for the tape.

Not exactly...

>   wcnotes    /maildb2 lev 1 FAILED [dumps way too big, must skip incremental dumps]

What it's telling you here is that the sum of *all the dumps* is too big.  
It had to FAIL one partition to get the tape usage below 'tapelength'.  
Look in the corresponding amdump.N file for all the gory details on how 
amanda made this decision.

You may need to play with the bump* flags in amanda.conf, so that amanda 
is more willing to do a higher level dumps of filesystems rather than 
FAILing them.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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