Hi all

I'm running amanda 2.4.2p2 on a RH box as my backup server. I installed
the amanda client on my (sol8) firewall on Friday, and set up a rule for
the server to get to the firewall for amanda services - amcheck runs
fine and reports no errors. But when my amdump kicks off at night, my
report says:

firewall.unter /export/home/rebecca lev 0 FAILED [could not connect to

In /tmp/amanda on the firewall, I have all of the *.debug files one
would expect to see
# cd /tmp/amanda
# ls
amandad.20031117153500.debug     amandad.20031119041352.debug
runtar.20031120030511.debug      sendbackup.20031119041352.debug
amandad.20031118030502.debug     amandad.20031119153507.debug
selfcheck.20031117153500.debug   sendbackup.20031120030744.debug
amandad.20031118030754.debug     amandad.20031120030511.debug
selfcheck.20031118153504.debug   sendbackup.20031120041558.debug
amandad.20031118041513.debug     amandad.20031120030744.debug
selfcheck.20031119153507.debug   sendsize.20031118030503.debug
amandad.20031118153503.debug     amandad.20031120041558.debug
sendbackup.20031118030754.debug  sendsize.20031119030508.debug
amandad.20031119030508.debug     runtar.20031118030503.debug
sendbackup.20031118041513.debug  sendsize.20031120030511.debug
amandad.20031119030759.debug     runtar.20031119030508.debug

# vi sendbackup.20031120030744.debug 
sendbackup: debug 1 pid 8244 ruid 1005 euid 1005 start time Thu Nov 20
03:07:44 2003
/usr/local/libexec/sendbackup: version 2.4.2p2
sendbackup: got input request: GNUTAR /export/home/rebecca 0
1970:1:1:0:0:0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;index;exclude-list=/usr/local/lib/ama
  parsed request as: program `GNUTAR'
                     disk `/export/home/rebecca'
                     lev 0
                     since 1970:1:1:0:0:0
sendbackup: exclude list file "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar" does
not exist, ignoring
sendbackup: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
  waiting for connect on 32886, then 32887, then 32888
sendbackup: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
sendbackup: timeout on data port 32886
sendbackup: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
sendbackup: timeout on mesg port 32887
sendbackup: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
sendbackup: timeout on index port 32888
sendbackup: pid 8244 finish time Thu Nov 20 03:09:14 2003

The firewall is trying to do it's thing..but it can't get back to the
server...what's up with that? 

Rebecca A. Crum  
Systems Administrator 
Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 
(219) 736-5579 ext. 184 

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