On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 at 10:23am, Brian Cuttler wrote

> The solution, large tape capacity, better compression ?

Of course.  :)

> Can I tar these files ? Subdivide the partition ? I'm unclear on
> how tar will help - I know it can be used to make smaller DLEs so
> that we don't exceed tape capacity with any single DLE but I don't
> know if it supports any concept of levels so that we can actually
> skip some of the files, ie, not back them up.

Amanda uses tar as a complete drop in replacement for dump.  This includes 
the concept of levels.  So, given that the partition/Notes allows for it, 
you could use tar to backup smaller sized chunks (subdirectories) of the 
problem partition.  As you mentioned, though, given that most everything 
is touched all the time, this will probably only buy you so much.

> Even if tar will skip untouched files, is that going to do anything
> for me that bumping the backup level isn't already doing ?

The size of the chunks that fail will be smaller.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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