On Monday, 01.12.2003 at 20:11 +0100, Gerhard den Hollander wrote:

> > We have a four-week, five days per week cycle:
> Good :)
> > These twenty tapes are named OurName-A-Mon, OurName-A-Tue, ...,
> > OurName-A-Fri, OurName-B-Mon, ..., OurName-D-Fri (in other words,
> > the letters A, B, C, D refer to weeks in the four-week cycle):
> Bad idea.
> Why not simpl;y name the tapes YourName001 -> YourName020

Yes, I know you're right.  To be honest, that is something I'm
considering changing.  I have a method sorted out to do gradually rename
all the tapes.

> And then every day you have a cronjob (say at 15:00 and at 16:00) that
> does an amcheck -m YourConfig

We do that anyway, just in case we've forgotten to load the tape.
"Knowing" what the next tape is, is no more/less easy regardless of
whether you use YourName001 -> YourName020, or OurName-A-Mon etc.

> When you come to Xmas, you will either have to go to work to replace
> the tapes, or have to live with a shifted week.

Actually, this one's easy, because we have a clean two-week shutdown at
Christmas.  :-)

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
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