Jon LaBadie said:
>> Hmm... guess I could add an "ignore file" on the client side. It
>> could be the same type of thing as the exclude list file. It could
>> reside in the base directory of the DLE being backed up and get
>> read
>> in by sendbackup.
>> Would this work for smbclient backups too?
> The amanda client is not the PC.  It is the unix box running
> smbclient.
> That box is running sendbackup* just as if it were backing up local
> FS's.
> As mentioned previously, that is where the ignore error messages
> list is used.
> The list seems to contain some smbclient messages already.

So assuming I want to add more ignore messages from a file, perhaps
I could read from /.amanda_sendbackup_ignore. Is there already a set
of functions within the amanda source to read such a file in? Or
should I write my own functions to accomplish this? I'd prefer the
former, since I am unfortunately not very experienced with C.

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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