
Thanks (and happy new years).

That makes good sense - I should have realized it but I had
something else playing in the back of my mind. namely...

  wcnotes    /maildb lev 2 FAILED [no more holding disk space]

which was produced by 2.4.2p2 (rather than this new error) by
2.4.4 as this error was.

Well, it addresses the issues I'd brought up in my previous
out-of-spool email message (back on 12-Dec-2003).

Different results from running out of spool between the two
different versions of the amanda server.

On a completely different note - my 2.4.4 version of amanda
installs on my other Solaris 9 system but will not run.

Can't seem to resolve this library issue. Any ideas ?

# /usr/local/sbin/amcheck hal /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: fatal: open failed: No such file or 



> On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:23:34AM -0500, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> > 
> > Hello amanda users,
> > 
> > My report from last night has the following error(?) or does it ?
> > 
> > 
> > But the "Dumper Summary" seems to show that all is ok and I've put
> > about 2x this amount of data to tape other times (LTO 220 drive).
> > 
> > Was there actually an error ? If so what was/is it ?
> > 
> I pulled just a few things out:
> >   Label           Time      Size      %    Nb
> >   NEWTONR05       4:03  100238.2   83.6    20
> Completed DLE's did not fill the tape.
> > NOTES:
> >   taper: tape NEWTONR05 kb 102644512 fm 20 [OK]
> And this report seems to say nothing else was attempted.  Full tapes
> show more total data written then the successful data written report
> above.  And they show something like "[short write]"
> > NOTES:
> >   driver: WARNING: /amanda/workr: 73400320 KB requested,
> >                          but only 10129652 KB available.
> Is this refering to your holding disk maybe?
> > 
> > /-- lyra       / lev 0 FAILED [write_tapeheader: No space left on device]
> > sendbackup: start [lyra:/ level 0]
> > sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/sbin/ufsdump
> > sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/sbin/ufsrestore -f... -
> > sendbackup: info end
> And maybe this is a report saying could not write to holding disk
> so switching to direct to tape because of full holding disk?
> > csserv  /source2       0   6992608   6992608   --   21:41 5374.8  21:41 5374.2
> > csserv  /var/spool     0  17794048  17794048   --   45:18 6546.2  45:18 6546.0
> > lyra    /db8           0  34624864  34624864   --  110:45 5210.6 110:45 5210.5
> > lyra    /db9           0  16814464  16814464   --   42:32 6587.7  42:33 6587.3
> I notice a lot of your big DLE's show the same dump and tape times.
> That always suggests to me dump directly to tape.
> > mira    /db4           1   2345760   2345760   --   55:23  705.8   2:03 19081.4
> > mira    /home1         0   2973024   2973024   --   69:00  718.1   3:13 15434.5
> > panther /              0   3413763   3413792   --   13:21 4261.0   2:24 23764.9
> > panther /data          1        20        32   --    0:05    3.9   0:02   18.3
> Yet your other, smaller ones seem to dump and tape at different rates.
> Maybe they fit in the small holding space available.
> -- 
> Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  JG Computing
>  4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
>  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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