Hi, Chris,

on Donnerstag, 08. Jänner 2004 at 20:39 you wrote to amanda-users:

CJ> I have followed the instructions for the RPM included with Fedora and still
CJ> I am getting these errors. I appreciate your help, but I am still apparently
CJ> missing a key element in the configuration.

As Paul says, we need more details on your config to help you further.

I assume the file your changerfile-parameter points to contains the
wrong lines. Its entries have to reflect your tape-directories,
otherwise the changer-script can´t find the "tapes".

As you seem to use other dirs as in the FAQ-example, it is likely you
missed to edit the entries correctly.


On the other hand, as you are still at setup, you should consider
using chg-disk instead of chg-multi.

chg-disk was introduced with the snapshot 20031202 and offers a much
more logical approach to using virtual tapes than chg-multi.

There is a FILE-DRIVER-HOWTO in the amanda-2.4.4p2-tarball that
explains the setup of chg-disk. No more changer.conf-file, for

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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