On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 11:33:26AM -0500, Kurt Yoder wrote:
> >                                        DUMPER STATS                  TAPER STATS
> > HOSTNAME   DISK        L   ORIG-KB    OUT-KB  COMP%  MMM:SS    KB/s MMM:SS    KB/s
> > ------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------------
> > borneo.shc -corporate    25821120  12795031   49.6   67:34  3155.9   45:57  4641.0
> > borneo.shc -cs_shared    18595830  10108659   54.4   55:42  3024.9  145:29  1158.1
> > borneo.shc -_shared_2    12075330   8126030   67.3   40:23  3353.9   30:27  4447.4
> > britain.sh /shared01     25085110  12979245   51.7   37:29  5771.6  172:00  1257.7
> > sumatra.sh //java/c$      7488930   7488930    --    70:04  1781.5   22:30  5548.0

I can't see anything here that distinguishes those two DLE's from
the other three:
  - All five seem to have used the holding disk (in each case,
    the dump time and tape time are different)

  - As you remarked, some of Borneo's DLEs are fast, but one is
    slow, so it doesn't look client-specific

  - They're neither the biggest nor the smallest DLEs

Are you sure there's nothing different about the slow DLEs'
dumptypes that could account for it?

Another thought:  One thing that isn't shown in the report email
is the order in which the DLEs were taped.  Try digging through
the amdump or log file to find that out (and, indeed, the time of
day for each one).  I don't know what you'll find, but there
might be an interesting pattern.

What I'm wondering about is resource contention on the Amanda
server; e.g. a news expire that kicks in part-way through the
amdump run, and thrashes the drive that contains your holding
disk.  Or something that saturates the bus your tape drive's on.
Or any number of other possibilities.  For that theory to fit
your observations, the same DLEs would have to be taped at about
the same time every run, which doesn't seem very Amanda-like but
could perhaps happen under the right conditions.  It might be
interesting to look at the logs from more than one run, to see
what varies and what doesn't.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
It must be said that they would have sounded better if the singer
wouldn't throw his fellow band members to the ground and toss the
drum kit around during songs.
        - Patrick Lenneau

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