I'm hoping someone can clear something up for me.  Does amrestore
uncompress an image as it restores it?  The reason I ask is that I had
an image on an amanda tape that was supposedly compressed via gzip.  The
amanda mail report indicated that the original KB was about 5.1Gb, and
Out-KB was about 2.9Gb for a 57% compression.  The other image on the
tape was listed with an Out-KB of about 4.3Gb and taper reported having
put 7.2Gb to tape.  The math works out.
        I just recently did an amrestore on that 5.1-compressed to 2.9Gb image
(by doing amrestore -p, piped through SSH, and then >'d into a file) and
the resulting file was 4.9Gb and not gzipped at all.  When I ran that
file through Gzip, it squeezed it down to the familiar 2.9Gb size.  So
was the image compressed and amrestore uncompressed it?

Aaron Smith                             vox: 269.226.9550 ext.26
Network Director                        fax: 269.349.9076       
Nexcerpt, Inc.                          http://www.nexcerpt.com
        ...Nexcerpt... Extend Your Expertise

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