On Thursday, 22.01.2004 at 16:19 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:

> So I'm going to use a tape/day, labeled DailyMachineWeekdayNumber,
> e.g. u03Monday01,u03Monday02, u03Monday03, u03Monday04. Is it possible
> to promote a full dump, say, Monday for u01, Tuesday for u02, etc.,
> and store diffs relative to it?

Without answering your other questions, can I say that using 'day of the
week' names for your tapes is probably a bad idea.  If you get out of
sequence, it'll be confusing.

We currently have day-of-the-week tapes, but in setting up a new
rotation scheme on a new server shortly, the plan will NOT to do that.

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370

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