
When you want to extract tapes from a tape WITHOUT using amanda
how do you know which file a particular archive is located?

Wouldnt it be a good idea to have a "table of content" located
in the second BLOCk?

Ie: when amanda starts writing it writes a zero filled 32k
block to the second file and when its finshed doing all the
work put a file in there containing

 archive_name1 directory1 FILEMARK1
 archive_name2 directory2 FILEMARK2
 archive_name3 directory3 FILEMARK3

This way you would only need to look up the block
and could blindly restore JUST by looking at the content
of the seocnd block.

Or is there already a way existing and I didnt know about it?


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             __, Jobst Schmalenbach, Technical Director
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