Hi again ...

Am Di, 2004-01-27 um 16.43 schrieb Jon LaBadie:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 12:32:06PM +0100, Oliver Simon wrote:
> > Hi Group !
> > 
> > 
> > This smorning we got the problem, that many servers were backuped in
> > "degraded mode (host /disk lev 1 FAILED)". I think this means, the
> > defined hdd-tapes became too small, right ?
> > 
> > 1) We have 17 tapes defined each one with 75000 MB. 
> > Can I expand this to 100000 MB without loosing the current backups ?
> Stefan provided answers, I'm curious though.
> Each of your "vtapes" is 75GB.  From your past experience in the
> amdump reports, how full have they been?  If they have regularly
> been half or more, say 40GB/amdump run, does your total disk
> storage allocated for vtapes support this?  I.e. it will take
> perhaps 17*40GB or 680GB total for your collection of vtapes.
> Of course now that you are filling 75GB vtapes, and considering
> making them 100GB, will you be allocating a terrabyte of disk
> storage to your vtapes?

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1             1.3T 1006G  254G  80% /r01
/dev/sdc1             2.8T  611G  2.2T  24% /r02 ---> DailySet1 
/dev/sdd1             2.0T  1.3T  712G  65% /r03

> I guess what I'm driving at, is your problem that 75GB per vtape
> is too small or is the "total" storage capacity too small.  Did
> the file system run out of space?

Nope, I donīt think so ...

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