On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 at 1:13pm, Joel Coltoff wrote

> We've gotten to the point where Amanda now needs multiple tapes.
> Our other systems crossed that point years ago. I've split the big
> filesystem into two DLEs that I'll dump with tar. I've fixed the
> amanda.conf file to account for all the new tapes and set tpchanger
> to chg-manual. We are running 2.4.4p2.

I don't think you can use chg-manual with cron launched jobs.  It needs 
a tty to bind to, so that it can ask for the next tape and you can tell it 
when you've loaded it.

> I'm asking this question because I hate surprises. The existing tapes
> are Daily001 ... Daily013. I've got 13 blank tapes to add to the pool.
> I assume I need to label these myself. I'd like each dump to use


> consecutive tapes (Daily001 & Daily002). I doubt this will happen. What
> should I expect to see? In general how will I know which is the next
> tape it wants? Do I get this from the report of the previous dump or
> does the changer tell me which tape to insert? Are there any surprises
> in store for me? I'm hoping this is a quick and easy change but I such
> a beast is rare.

Whenever you increase the tapecycle, amanda will demand new tapes be 
amlabelled and used before it will start re-using the old tapes.  So 
whereever you are in your cycle now, the new tapes will be inserted.
To avoid this, change the tapecycle back to 13 until you run (or are about 
to run) a dump to Daily013.

Say the next two tapes to be used are Daily013 and Daily001.  At this 
point, increase tapecycle to 14 and amlabel Daily014.  That night's dumps 
will then go to Daily013 and Daily014.  The next day, increase tapecycle 
to 16 and label Daily015 and Daily016.  Etc until all your new tapes are 
labelled and used.

I don't have any experience with chg-manual, but I imagine it will tell 
you what tape it wants.

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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