I think there should be a command that can completely remove the tape from the Amanda list (remove the label, remove it from the tapelist etc). This will be useful when we need the Amanda tape to do something else, and that's the probelm I am facing now.

Kin-Ho Kwan

Christoph Scheeder wrote:

amrmtape only removes the entrys for the tape from all databases,
but amanda will happily use it if she sees it again as the label
on tape is not touched at all.

The question is what should be achieved:

1.) make amanda forget about the backups on that tape?
-> ok, amrmtape is your friend, it does what you want.

2.) you want amanda to reject the tape when she sees it again?
-> "amadmin <config> <tape-label> noreuse" marks the tape as
   "this tape is not allowed to be overwrite by amanda"

3.) you want to delete the amanda tapelabel and all other data
    from the tape, so amnda doesn't touch it anymore?
-> use dd to overwrite the first block on the tape with 0 or random data.


Dave Ewart schrieb:

On Thursday, 05.02.2004 at 10:05 -0500, Kin-Ho Kwan wrote:


Is it sufficient enough to just run "amrmtape -n conf TAPE001" so that
Amanda will not use this tape for backup?

I try to run "amrmtape -n conf TAPE001", but Amanda still use that
tape to backup stuff. Is there any other command I need to run to
remove the Amanda label?

Reading TFM, I see:

-n     Generate new tapelist and database files with label
       removed, but  leave them in /tmp and do not update the
       original copies.

I suggest dropping the '-n' ... :-)


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