Hello I do not want to run any incremental backup using gnu tar. How would I do this ? Excerpt from amanda.conf define dumptype high-tar { root-tar comment "partitions dumped with tar" priority high dumpcycle 0 compress none index } excert from disklist localhost /etc/mrtg high-tar ns01 /home/nfsuser high-tar
Excerpt from a log SUCCESS dumper ns01 /home/nfsuser 20031230 2 [sec 0.355 kb 530 kps 1489.2 orig-kb 530] SUCCESS taper ns01 /home/nfsuser 20031230 2 [sec 2.763 kb 576 kps 208.4 {wr: writers 18 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.176 filemark 2. 586}] SUCCESS dumper localhost /etc/mrtg 20031230 1 [sec 3.650 kb 1060 kps 290.4 orig-kb 1060] SUCCESS taper localhost /etc/mrtg 20031230 1 [sec 1.569 kb 1120 kps 713.8 {wr: writers 35 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.368 filemark 1.200}] The backup level of these directories is certainly >0 . regds madhvi