On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 at 3:06pm, jlm17 wrote

> I commented out the only_from line from all three amanda services but it 
> does not work.

The other thing to check is /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}.  I don't know Gentoo, 
but on RedHat xinetd uses them.  Accepts or denies based on those files 
should be logged in /var/log/secure.

> Note that I do not get any lines about removing amanda services.

Yes, but...

> > If you're not getting anything in /tmp/amanda, then amandad isn't even 
> > starting up.  Is ipchains/iptables getting in the way?  What's the output 
> > of 'netstat -ln | grep 10080'?
> > 
> netstat -ln | grep 10080
> udp        0      0 *

That means amanda is listening, so that part of xinetd is working right.

> As far as I know I do not have any iptables stuff turned on. I don't 
> even have the iptables userland tools installed. I have turned it on in 
> the kernel, though.

You can check what rules are set up with 'iptables -nL'.  I'd say the next 
thing to do would be to look at the traffic.  Do 'tcpdump -i lo' and then 
run amcheck and see what happens.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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