
Can someone please point me in the right direction, as I can't think
what is going wrong

I am trying to do a restore using amrecover, but I get the response that
the index does not exist:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# amrecover -C full
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.3. Contacting server on localhost ...
220 omega AMANDA index server (2.4.3) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2004-02-26)
200 Working date set to 2004-02-26.
200 Config set to full.
200 Dump host set to omega.
Trying disk / ...
Trying disk rootfs ...
Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD '/root'
amrecover> sethost omega
200 Dump host set to omega.
amrecover> setdisk /root
Scanning /d/d1/amanda...
200 Disk set to /root.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

The output of the debug file is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] amanda]# cat amindexd.20040226175730.debug
amindexd: debug 1 pid 11904 ruid 33 euid 33: start at Thu Feb 26
17:57:30 2004
amindexd: version 2.4.3
amindexd: time 0.000: < 220 omega AMANDA index server (2.4.3) ready.
amindexd: time 0.001: > SECURITY USER root
amindexd: time 0.001: bsd security: remote host omega user root local
user amanda
amindexd: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amindexd: time 0.002: < 200 Access OK
amindexd: time 0.034: > DATE 2004-02-26
amindexd: time 0.034: < 200 Working date set to 2004-02-26.
amindexd: time 0.074: > SCNF full
amindexd: time 0.076: < 200 Config set to full.
amindexd: time 0.114: > HOST omega
amindexd: time 0.114: < 200 Dump host set to omega.
amindexd: time 0.154: > DISK /
amindexd: time 0.154: < 501 No index records for disk: /. Invalid?
amindexd: time 0.194: > DISK rootfs
amindexd: time 0.194: < 501 No index records for disk: rootfs. Invalid?
amindexd: time 6.054: > HOST omega
amindexd: time 6.055: < 200 Dump host set to omega.
amindexd: time 10.885: > DISK /root
amindexd: time 10.885: < 200 Disk set to /root.
amindexd: time 10.925: > OISD /
amindexd: time 10.925: < 500 No dumps available on or before date
amindexd: time 45.037: > QUIT
amindexd: time 45.037: < 200 Good bye.
amindexd: time 45.037: pid 11904 finish time Thu Feb 26 17:58:15 2004

Here is the list of index files:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] _root]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] _root]# ls
20040212_1.gz  20040215_2.gz  20040218_1.gz  20040221_0.gz 20040224_1.gz
20040213_0.gz  20040216_0.gz  20040219_0.gz  20040222_1.gz 20040225_1.gz
20040214_1.gz  20040217_1.gz  20040220_1.gz  20040223_0.gz 20040226_0.gz


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