On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 10:10:13PM +0100, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> Jonathan Dill wrote:
> >I vaguely recall that there is variable that you can pass to 'make' to 
> >install to a different root, similar to what happens during building a 
> >binary RPM, for example:
> >
> >make install VARIABLE=/tmp/amanda-2.4.4p2
> The prefix= can be specified to override the configure prefix
> like:
>   make install prefix=/tmp/amanda-2.4.4p2

This is not what you want, Jonathan.  DESTDIR is the correct variable to
overload for package building at the make install stage.  PREFIX is
defined at configure time as the install location.  DESTDIR will be
prepended to PREFIX at make install time.


Brandon D. Valentine
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           http://www.geekpunk.net
Pseudo-Random Googlism:  february is national pet dental health month

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