I read the last e-mail about this, but lost it, but I think I remember the basic details.

First, I would try setting up some sort of nameservice caching on the client and server as a work-around. Some flavors of Linux have a caching-nameserver package that sets up the correct bind files for you, then you just put

nameserver 127.0.01

at the top of /etc/resolv.conf. tmdns is supposed to be a more lightweight caching nameserver of some sort, but I haven't had good luck with it so far.

"nscd" is a more general-purpose nameservice caching mechanism that can also cache NIS and LDAP data, but I think there may be a kernel piece to it that you also need compiled into the kernel. SGI IRIX has "nsd" which is similar to nscd. If you use nscd or nsd, check /etc/nsswitch.conf for the order that name services will be checked for hosts. In particular, you may need to delete "nis+" or "nisplus" if you don't have NIS+ running on your network--It is often in there as one of the defaults, but can cause the host res process to crap out at that point if you don't have NIS+ available on your network.

Second, I would check interface statistics on the client, server, nameserver, and switches and routers if possible. You want to check for collisions and/or errors, and keep an eye out for duplex mismatch or auto-negotiation problems related to certain hardware. Watch out for misbehaving mini-hubs or mini-switches along the way.

I have had problems with interface hotplug on Linux and certain cards not detecting a link or auto-negotiating correctly, eg. 3c509B. I had to put


in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX where X is the number of the interface, to explicitly disable hotplug for that adapter.


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