Someone on the sage-members list is looking for free backup software
that met his listed requirements, and I was about to reply with
"Amanda", but I wasn't sure about his requirement #5 (below) pertaining
to Solaris ACLs.  Will Amanda actually do what he wants?


> I currently work for a large university. We currently have a
> Very Large tape library system (a walk-in model, terrabites of storage,
>  hundreds of tapes, blah blah blah)
> We currently have robotics software (unitree) and some "interesting"
> home-grown custom jobbies.
> Unfortunately, they are rather ugly. So I'd like to be able to migrate our
> backups to something a little more sane, and a little more widely used.
> Given the amount of data, and number of hosts, and our limited funding for
> software, getting a license for veritas or legato backup software, etc.
> is going to be out of the question. So I need a free solution suggested.
> My ideal backup solution would handle:
> 1. multiple incoming backup streams, ideally multiplexing then to a single
>    tape or virtual "restoral device", for streaming speed purposes, etc.
> 2a. know about interfacing with unitree directly, OR
> 2b. be flexible about "save all the data to a pseudo-'file' which is
>     actually managed by HSM
> 3. be able to handle restore requests along the lines of,
>    "Give me all the files in directory X, on machine Y, at date
>       YYY/MM/DD:HH/MM/SS"
>    and pull in the appropriate files from the last full dump, and all
>    relevant incrementals.
>    And if there was a level0, level2, level3, and level4 dump, and
>    the most recent versions of the file(s) were on level3,
>    it would not have to go through the level0 and level2 dumps
>    to find out the data is not there.
> 4. it must be able to handle Very Large Filesystems
>    (I'm not sure we have any terrabytes filesystems... Yet.
>      But we probably will have them soon)
> 5. It should be able to handle restoring Solaris ACLs
> It is not neccessary to have any kind of non-root-user interface.
> Restores are handled by the sysadmins only.
> Of all of the above, I think that everything except  #2 is mandatory.
> Am I dreaming, or is there anything out there for free that can actually
> handle all of this?

Frank Smith                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Systems Administrator                       Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                   Fax: 512-374-4501

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