sounds like your .amandahosts file has been fiddled with or is missing
(failing that the user "amanda" .rhosts file).

Joel Coltoff wrote:

> Hi,
> My backups have been working fine for quite some time. In
> the past few days I've had failures and don't know where to
> start looking. If I run amcheck -s Daily the output looks
> ok. If I run it without the '-s' this is my amcheck debug file.
> amcheck: debug 1 pid 3709 ruid 200 euid 0: start at Tue Mar  9 15:19:58 2004
> amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
> amcheck-clients: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
> amcheck-clients: time 0.072: no feature set from host
> amcheck-clients: time 0.117: no feature set from host
> amcheck-clients: time 0.205: no feature set from host
> amcheck-clients: time 0.258: no feature set from host
> changer: got exit: 0 str: 71 99 1
> changer_query: changer return was 99 1
> changer_query: searchable = 0
> changer_find: looking for Daily003 changer is searchable = 0
> changer: got exit: 0 str: 71 /dev/nst0
> amcheck-clients: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
> amcheck-clients: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
> amcheck: pid 3709 finish time Tue Mar  9 15:20:28 2004
> I still get incomplete dumps on the local host. If you need more
> info I can post it. Any hints/insights/pointers would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks.
> --
> Joel Coltoff
> I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I
> didn't know. -- Mark Twain

geoffs :-)
Geoff Swavley                       Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX Sys Admin                      Snail : Level 8, 10 Valentine Ave,
Support and Network Operations              Parramatta   NSW   2150
Dept of Infrastructure, Planning            Sydney  Australia
and Natural Resources                       Phone : 61-2-98957125                 Fax   : 61-2-98957086
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 "Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs
  no risk." - Setanti, Joaquin de

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