--On Friday, March 19, 2004 14:47:44 -0500 Jonathan Dill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would guess that the "ufsrestore" is making an "index" of one of the dumps.  If 
> you don't care about interactive "amrecover" you could make a dumptype that doesn't 
> do "index" that should eliminate the ufsrestore process.  Running fewer dumps in
> parallel should help, too.
> I don't know a lot about Solaris.  0.0% swap should mean nothing is paging, but with 
> 729M swap used, I'd still check out high-memory processes, maybe something is 
> leaking memory, but any paging should still show up in swap and not kernel I would 
> think.
> It looks to me like it wouldn't take a lot to make the system start paging heavily 
> from the state that it is in with only 13M of real memory free.

Actually, in Solaris (and Linux) it is normal to not show much free RAM,
as all reads are left in cache (to speed up any subsequent reads) until
something else needs to use the RAM.  The only real way to tell if you
need more RAM is to watch for swapping activity.


> Simon Lorenz wrote:
>> Any suggestions for stopping this would be much appreciated.
>> load averages:  2.21,  2.21,  2.02
>> 17:48:54
>> 142 processes: 131 sleeping, 5 running, 1 zombie, 4 stopped, 1 on cpu
>> CPU states:  0.0% idle, 13.7% user, 76.9% kernel,  9.3% iowait,  0.0% swap
>> Memory: 768M real, 13M free, 729M swap in use, 3911M swap free
>> 10563 amanda     1  22    0 2232K  936K sleep    5:32 35.03% sendbackup
>> 10476 amanda     1   0   19 2640K 1920K run      2:26 15.04% dumper
>> 10568 amanda     1  32    0   11M 9928K sleep    1:49 12.55% ufsrestore
>> 10572 amanda     1  48    0   11M 2864K run      0:47  5.20% ufsdump
>> 10571 amanda     1  53    0   11M 2864K run      0:48  5.16% ufsdump
>> 10573 amanda     1  48    0   11M 2872K run      0:47  4.64% ufsdump
>> 10574 amanda     1  36    0   11M 3072K sleep    0:32  3.53% ufsdump
>> 10570 amanda     1  48    0   11M 7520K sleep    0:20  1.89% ufsdump
>> 10646 root       1  58    0 2104K 1208K cpu      0:01  0.35% top

Frank Smith                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Systems Administrator                       Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                   Fax: 512-374-4501

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