>On Thursday 25 March 2004 10:57, Urs Forster wrote:
>>>From: Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:58:16 -0500
>>>On Thursday 25 March 2004 08:14, Urs Forster wrote:
>>>>When using amoverview I get a wide output (more than 3 month).
>>>>This is not readable and anyway the data is obsolete, I only work
>>>> on a cycle of 5 days.
>>>>How can I purge old data from the history?
>>>Good question perhaps.  Here, its quite wide, but the dates
>>> coincide with the number of tapes in my tapecycle of 28.  That
>>> seems to be a reasonable display.  What is your tapecycle set to?
>>I think thats the point. Now it's 5, but it used to be that high!
>>Somwhere amanda remembers the higher number, but where?
>If you changed it in one swell foop, that which would have been 
>bypassed is still there, it only deletes that which references the 
>tape(s) just re-written.  I don't think there is a problem in that 
>case of you going into the index and currinfo dirs and doing a bit of 
>obviously overdue housekeeping.

Ok, I deletet all indexes, all curinfo, removed all extra tapes from changer.conf,
ran amrmtape, amtape update, amcheckdb and I found out what fell swoop means
(rather than swell foop; that was the harder part ;-). Despite all of those,
amoverview still shows around 90 days across.

Any more ideas?

>But why down to 5?  One really should have a tapecycle thats at least 
>2*runtapes*runspercycle in order to have at least the 2 most recent 
>full backups on hand at any one time.  Anything less and you're 
>playing russian roulette with a Morgolin Target Pistol as far as your 
>data's safety is concerned...  YMMV of course. :)

I'm doing backup to disk (tapeless). In order to fit the largest filesystem
I had to define the 'tape'-size to be around 3 Gb. Now, amanda seems to be
a bit greedy - meaning it tries to fill every tape (by promoting full dumps).
Since all 'tapes' lie on the same disk, I ran into space problems. Therefore
I had to go back to 5! (until I can overcome the diskspace-shortage).

Could one prevent amanda from promoting fulldumps? (like only one fulldump
in a cycle, even thoug the tape is nearly emtpy?


>>>As far as purging old history in the indexes and such, amanda does
>>>that automaticly, removing that which would refer to what was on a
>>>tape that has been re-written, therefore rendering that data moot.

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