Jeroen Heijungs wrote:

I asked about the differences between the levels of backup and I got (sofar)
two different answers (thanks to you both), so I still do not know for sure:

Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:

Level n backup is a backup where you save what has changed since the
last level n backup. period.

Gertjan van Oosten wrote:

A level N backup includes all files modified since the last level M
backup where M < N.  So a level 1 backup includes all files changed
since the last level 0 backup; a level 2 backup includes all files
changed since the last level 1 backup (or if there was no such backup,
it includes all files changed since the last level 0 backup), etc.
A level 0 backup includes all files, period.

Indeed, the M < N statement is correct.
You can start with a L0 backup once a year, then do one L1 backup each month, then do a L2 backup everyday.
Everyday, what will be saved is what changed since the start of the month.
So normally, on april 1th, the L1 backup you'll do will contain what changed since the start of the year.

<From now, I'm less sure of what I say>

On 20040402, to restore a complete system that was set up on january 1th and crashed today, you'll have to provide :
- L0 2004
- L1 200404
- L2 20040402

</not sure>

Experts, please correct me.

(As you can see, I prefer level 0 backups ;o)

Some more questions:
- in theory you can get an infinite level (no limit) backup ?




Nicolas Ecarnot

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