Hi Paul,

Funny that you mention tar. The reason why I chose dump is that dump was 
supposed to handle open files better than tar. Plus, I don't like the idea 
of atime being updated because of a backup.

Anyway, I couldn't find anything about this in the changelogs of 
dump/restore between my version and the latest one. Plus, I think this 
would be a rather silly bug, as I can't imagine too many people unmounting 
their filesystems before running dump...

Maybe I should consider switching to tar. In the meantime, let's hope I 
won't have to do a restore from scratch...

I checked the tapes, and there are no restoresymtables on it anywhere.

Thanks for your help so far.

Kind regards,
Hans van Zijst

On Wednesday 21 April 2004 14:06, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> AFAIK, this wouldn't have the effect of the message "Incremental dump
> too low".  Because dump dumps the diskblocks themselves, an active
> filesystem could screw up the dumpprocess itself.  The restore command
> would get confused, but not about deciding which level it expects.
> The restore process should leave a file "restoresymtable" in the root
> directory to pass information between incremental restore passes.
> Could it be that such a file was restored from the level 0,
> overwriting the current one and indicating that a level 2 or more
> was expected?
> ps.  I switched to tar a long time ago, mainly because I run a mixed
> environment and I need to be able to restore onto a completely different
> architecture.


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