Is there still nobody here who can answer my question?

As quoted from Gertjan van Oosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm having a problem configuring Amanda-2.4.4p2 (on sun-sparc-solaris8)
> to always do a full dump of a filesystem.  The filesystem in question is
> over 100 GByte, and no matter what I try, when Amanda starts, Amanda's
> planner asks for a size estimate for the level 0 dump of this filesystem
> (good), and then for a size estimate for a level 1 dump of this
> filesystem (not good).  The level 1 estimate takes too long, so Amanda
> aborts with the (in)famous:
>   datahost    /data lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from datahost]
> In my disklist I have:
>   datahost /data always-full
> Excerpt from my amanda.conf:
>   inparallel 4
>   dumporder "Ssss"
>   netusage  10000 Kbps
>   dumpcycle 1 day
>   runspercycle 5
>   tapecycle 5 tapes
>   bumpsize 20 Mb
>   bumpdays 1
>   bumpmult 4
>   etimeout 300
>   dtimeout 1800
>   ctimeout 30
>   tapebufs 30
>   runtapes 1
>   tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"
>   tapedev "/dev/rmt/0bn"
>   rawtapedev "/dev/null"
>   changerfile "/opt/amanda-2.4.4p2/etc/amanda/tapehost/changer"
>   changerdev "/dev/scsi/changer/c3t0d0"
>   maxdumpsize -1
>   tapetype HP-LTO-2
>   define tapetype HP-LTO-2 {
>       comment "HP LTO-2 Ultrium (hardware compression off)"
>       length 201216 mbytes
>       filemark 0 kbytes
>       speed 23663 kps
>   }
>   define dumptype global {
>       comment "Global definitions"
>       index yes
>   }
>   define dumptype always-full {
>       global
>       comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
>       compress none
>       priority high
>       dumpcycle 0
>       strategy noinc
>   }
> What I want is simple: Amanda should do a level 0 dump of that
> filesystem, and not try to find out how large a level 1 dump of this
> filesystem would be (it wastes a *HUGE* amount of time, almost an hour).
> I want a level 0 or nothing at all.  Is that possible, and if so, how?
> By the way, even though the above specifies:
>   etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
>   dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> the estimate is not aborted after 300 seconds but only after 1800
> seconds.  That doesn't seem right, does it?
> Furthermore, even after the planner decides to timeout and cut the
> connection, the amandad/sendsize/ufsdump processes keep on running on
> the client (until they're done, in fact, but they have nowhere to send
> the data to).  Shouldn't they be terminated as well?

-- Gertjan van Oosten, [EMAIL PROTECTED], West Consulting B.V., +31 15 2191 600

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