Hi Armando,

First an apology: you can't telnet to port 10080 because amandad uses UDP 
and telnet uses TCP. Sorry, my fault, I leapt before I looked...

Did you check your (x)inetd configuration? I don't know which one Slackware 
uses, but I suspect it's inetd. Make sure it starts amandad. Anyway, if 
your other hosts run fine, it should be enough to have the same 
configuration lines in /etc/inetd.conf. After you made inetd reread its 
configuration, check your logs for possible error messages. And while 
you're at it, check if the path to amandad is correct and that it is 
executable :)

If that's not it, check for hints in the debug files that Amanda leaves in 

And my personal favourite is to fire up a sniffer and simply check what goes 
on. Makes you understand a bit better what Amanda does anyway.

Kind regards,


On Tuesday 04 May 2004 20:01, Armando Taffarel Neto wrote:
> Hi Hans, thanks for help.
> I try telnet to port 10080, but is not possible. I think /etc/services
> and /etc/inetd.conf are ok, cause other hosts are working with the same
> configuration. I compile amanda with the same parameters on all hosts.
> I stop the firewall of the hosts and of the server, but no success.
> All my machines are powered by Slackware.
> Can you help me?
> Thanks,
> Armando
> Em Ter, 2004-05-04 ās 08:05, Hans van Zijst escreveu:
> > Hi Armando,
> >
> > Could be several things. First, are you sure your clients have amandad
> > running? Check your inetd or xinetd configuration and test by
> > telnetting to port 10080. If you can connect, amandad is running.
> >
> > If amandad is running and you still can't connect, there's probably a
> > firewall between your backup server and clients. If so, make sure you
> > punch holes in it.
> >
> > Can't say a lot more without more details :)
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Hans
> >
> > On Monday 03 May 2004 23:08, Armando Taffarel Neto wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > I have a problem. My amanda mail report returns:
> > >
> > > mailman    /usr/local/etc lev 0 FAILED 20040503[could not connect to
> > > mailman]
> > > webserver2 /home/diegob lev 0 FAILED 20040503[could not connect to
> > > webserver2]
> > > mercurio   /usr/local/apache lev 0 FAILED 20040503[could not connect
> > > to mercurio]
> > > ...
> > >
> > > mailman      -cal/uvscan 0 FAILED
> > > ---------------------------------------
> > > mercurio     /boot       0 FAILED
> > > ---------------------------------------
> > > ...
> > >
> > > Any ideia?
> > >
> > > Thanks all!!!
> > >
> > > Taffarel


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