
I use amanda 2.4.3 to make Daily and Monthly Backups to Tapes :)

Daily works fine.

My Monthly Backup is designed to make a "level 0" from all available Data
- which will not fit to one tape anyway - so the plan was to not put in a
tape, and have amanda backup everything to the dumps Partition. After that
use amflush to move the data from the partition to tapes in several runs.

But ... amanda uses the configured tape-size and excludes some backups
even when not using the tape:

xxx /data/xxx lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk]

What i do now ist using a "dummy" tape definition with the following entry
"length 99999 mbytes", so that the backup is done in any case ... and
changing the setup back to the correct value for tape operation.

It works ... but I was wondering if there is an easyer way to accomplish


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