On Monday 17 May 2004 19:16, Alexander Jolk wrote:
> Hans van Zijst wrote:
> > I don't seem to understand how to tell Amanda when to overwrite tapes.
> > What I try to do is make regular backups from monday till thursday (I
> > make a full dump every friday) and recycle those tapes after 2 weeks.
> > So, I use 4 tapes every week and one cycle takes 2 weeks, which means I
> > use 8 tapes per cycle. I configured 2 spare tapes just in case. This is
> > the relevant part in my amanda.conf:
> >
> > dumpcycle       2 weeks
> > runspercycle    8 days
> > tapecycle       10 tapes
> >
> > But if I feed Amanda the first tape again, after two weeks, it
> > complains that it cannot overwrite an active tape. What do I do wrong?
> I think (without actually verifying things) that a tape is considered
> active as long as at least <tapecycle> tapes haven't been used.  Which
> means that you cannot give the first tape to amanda again before the
> last two, even if two weeks have gone by.  Just put in a tapecycle of 8,
> and she'll be fine; you can still use those two surplus tapes whenever
> you feel like it, amanda will gladly accept them any time.
> Alex

Ah. I think I'm too much of a control freak then. I thought I could just use 
8 tapes and keep the other 2 as spare ones: I wanted to use tape 1 on day 
1, tape 2 on day 2 etc. But if you're right, Amanda uses every tape in the 
tapecycle before it starts overwriting the first one, which means Amanda 
will tell me which tape it wants when. Too bad for my numbering scheme 


Kind regards,



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