Hi all, I have a very functional amanda 2.4.3 LAN backup system that I'm 
having one problem with: I can't seem to back up any partitions, only 
directories and files. If I use disklist specs like this

node1 /home standard

I get a proper backup, but if I use

node1 /dev/sda9 standard

I get an error saying that sda9 is offline. But it isn't, so I figured there 
must be a permissions problem, but amanda is in the disk group, and that 
device node is in the disk group as well, with proper rw perms.

I also tried

node1 /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target1/lun0/part9 standard

also to no good end.

Any ideas/clues? How can I verify the permissions are working on the node1 
side beyond checking with ls -la?


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