Hi everyone,

Has anyone of you experiences or does anyone know if it is possible to let amanda run over a virtual interface ?

We are trying to implement a new backupserver, which shall replace the old one after some weeks of parrallel running.

The problem is, the we have to put the new server in 46 hostsī .amandahosts and donīt want to do the same again in some weeks. So we thought about giving the new server a virtual ip, attach a dnsname like backup1 to it, and put that in all .amandahosts


- lemmy -- current hot backupservers dns-name
- neo-lemmy -- current new hot backupservers dns-name
- neo-lemmy2 -- current cold-standby backup, will become hot in the next weeks.


- lemmy is in all .amandahosts
- neo-lemmy has to be put in

if lemmy goes offline, name neo-lemmy will be switched to name lemmy

the aim would be, put -for example- backup1 in all .amandahosts. Give neo-lemmy a virtual-ip, and attach the name backup1 to that ip.

In this way, we could switch the primary hostname to lucifer or whatever, and had no problem with the .amandahosts files on the clients.

Thanks in advance,


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