I'm running amanda-2.4.4p2 on a Fedora Core 2 having a Dell PowerVault 120T DLT1 with 6 tapes DLT tapes in it.
When performind amdump I get this error while watching the status with amstatus:
Using /var/lib/amanda/mail1/amdump.1 from Sun Jun 20 11:41:49 CEST 2004
anubis:/data/data0 0 planner: [dump larger than tape, 33895015 KB, but cannot incremental dump new disk]
anubis:/data/data1 1 17k finished (12:24:03)
anubis:/data/dns0 1 2k finished (12:22:46)
anubis:/data/dns1 1 4k finished (12:22:31)
anubis:/data/etc0 1 0k finished (12:24:00)
anubis:/data/home0 0 16515845k finished (15:26:11)
Ok, I see that /data/data0 is too big to fit on the tape. The questions I have are:
- is there another solution than splitting /data/data0 into more dumps?
- on the DLT tapes I use is written 40GB/80GB (native/compressed), but if the tape is defined in amanda.conf as a 40 GB big tape, I get the message that 'dump does not fit to tape' then it loads a new tape and I get the same error msg. (the dump should fit in 40GB)
My definition in amanda.conf:
define tapetype DLT { comment "DLT tape drives" length 20000 mbytes # 20 Gig tapes filemark 2000 kbytes # I don't know what this means speed 1536 kbytes # 1.5 Mb/s }
Maybe it would help if you increased length to 40000 mbytes then. Or run amtapetype to find out exactly how much data it can take, or search FOM for another 40/80 DLT and use that length.