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Paul Bijnens wrote:

| Max Waterman wrote:
|> When I get to this part :
|> su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amdump DailySet1"
|> it seems to return quite quickly without any messages at all.
| The normal way is to run "amcheck" first, fix everything
| it complains about, before proceeding with a real amdump.

Yeah, that was the previous step on the step-by-step page I was using :

su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck DailySet1"

First time it ran, it complained about the
/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar - there was no /usr/local/lib/amanda
directory, so I created it and the file.

After that, it ran fine; well, I think so - here's what it does now (but
I've done some later steps now) :

| # su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck DailySet1"
| Amanda Tape Server Host Check
| -----------------------------
| Holding disk /var/tmp: 1122360 KB disk space available, that's plenty
| ERROR: cannot overwrite active tape DailySet101
|        (expecting a new tape)
| NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
| NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo/localhost/_home: does
not exist
| NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/index/localhost/_home: does
not exist
| Server check took 4.220 seconds
| Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
| --------------------------------
| Client check: 1 host checked in 0.120 seconds, 0 problems found
| (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3)

Spot anything?

| If you got that far, and still have trouble, you can have a look
| in /tmp/amanda, where each client has his logfiles.

Ooh. Many files. I guess I'll look in reverse chronological order.

| And there is this mailing list, where you can post the exact
| error messages you find.  Of course.

Hrm. Looking at those files, I don't see anything which looks like an
error. I have a few 'runtar' files which, I assume are an indication
that it is trying to make the backup, and there's nothing in them that
indicates an error.

Could it be that it's actually working, but doesn't give an output that
I am expecting - ie a list of files, or something that says 'I backed up
so many files' or even "I'm done".

Perhaps I am not specifying a valid place to backup. I am trying to
backup '/home' which is a mount point - though I did specify the
/dev/ida/c0d0p5 at one point, and /etc, but with the same effect.

How can I check that a backup completed successfully?

BTW, email isn't configured on the host machine - perhaps it is telling
me it is working, but I can't read what it says.



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